Mai Chair by Anthony Guex

Mai Chair is a minimalist chair by Swiss product and interior designer Anthony Guex that combines precise workmanship and simplicity.

Created from straight solid wood profiles, the chair takes on its distinctive architectural language – minimalist, linear, and characterized by precise edges and shapes. A special feature here is the seat and backrest, which are milled only on one side. This serves to increase seating comfort without compromising the chair’s clear, structured appearance.

While the Mai chair has a minimalist design, it is this simplicity that makes it special: with its clean lines and proportions, the design of the Mai chair conveys an aesthetic lightness. It is the details that make the chair unique and underlines that “design is in the details“.

Minimalist Chair Design: Mai chair by Anthony Guex
Minimalist Chair Design: Mai chair by Anthony Guex
The seat and backrest are milled only on one side.

Anthony Guex, based in Lausanne, has an extensive background in the woodworking industry. He worked as a carpenter and foreman for seven years before deciding to deepen his passion for design. He studied interior design at the Geneva School of Art and Design and later earned a master’s degree in product design at ECAL, the prestigious University of Art & Design in Lausanne. In addition to working in his own design studio, he also teaches at ECAL as an artistic substitute.

Every line and curve of the Mai Chair reflects Guex’s philosophy: each piece is an artifact of care, precision, and craftsmanship, values deeply rooted in his work and teaching at ECAL. The Mai Chair is not only an expression of Guex’s mastery of the woodworking industry, but also an example of the simple elegance that results when design meets craftsmanship.

With its straightforward aesthetic and carefully crafted details, the Mai Chair, originally designed in 2018 represents an example of timeless design.

Photography by Younès Klouche.

Minimalist Chair Design: Mai chair by Anthony Guex
Created from straight solid wood profiles, the chair takes on its distinctive architectural language – minimalist, linear, and characterized by precise edges and shapes.
Minimalist Chair Design: Mai chair by Anthony Guex
Minimalist Chair Design: Mai chair by Anthony Guex

Aesence is an independent art and design publication dedicated to minimalist aesthetics. Founded out of a deep appreciation and fascination, Aesence strives to be an inspiring, informative and truly useful resource for its readers.