Contemporary Art Shows In June 2024 For Minimalist Art Lovers

In June, there is once again a great selection of exhibitions for lovers of minimalist art. Let’s start in Barcelona, where Carsten Beck is presenting his series “Lines Interaction”, a subtle exploration of geometric shapes, at Victor Lope Arte Contemporáneo. After the impressive Mark Rothko exhibition at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris, a comprehensive retrospective of Ellsworth Kelly’s work can now be seen there. And in London, new works by Kim Bartelt await us at Cadogan Gallery.

De Brock Gallery in Knokke, on the other hand, will be showing a solo show by Lawrence Calver and in Berlin, the ARTCO Gallery is undertaking a poetic exploration of minimalist art with works by Laura Sachs and Udo Nöger. In Madrid, Galería Cayón Madrid is showing the impressive, minimalist spatial sculptures by Fred Sandback. And finally, Vanner Gallery in Salisbury presents the intense, monochrome works of Eleanor Bartlett.

These are my favorites for this month. If you want to explore all shows, click here.

Kim Bartelt: Zwischen Tür und Angel
London, Cadogan Gallery

Cadogan presents a new exhibition by German artist Kim Bartelt. The show features an impressive series of new works that offer an intriguing fusion of geometric abstraction and profound emotional resonance. Open since May 21, the artist explores the moment of annunciation, inspired by the German proverb “Zwischen Tür und Angel”. Bartelt’s signature style of clean rectangles and squares conveys both the quickness and spontaneity of said moment, while creating an atmosphere of uncertainty.

More Information:

Kim Bartelt, Zwischen Tür und Angel II, 2024, paper on linen, 180cm x 80cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy 
Cadogan Gallery
Kim Bartelt, Zwischen Tür und Angel II, 2024, paper on linen, 180cm x 80cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy Cadogan Gallery
Kim Bartelt, Domenico, 2024, paper on linen, 150cm x 120cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy Cadogan Gallery
Kim Bartelt, Domenico, 2024, paper on linen, 150cm x 120cm © The Artist, Image Courtesy Cadogan Gallery

Lawrence Calver
Knokke, De Brock Gallery

De Brock presents its second exhibition with British artist Lawrence Calver in June. In this solo exhibition, Calver shows works from his series of sail paintings that tell a maritime story through the use of textiles. The artist uses recycled fabrics that were once used for various purposes such as clothing, tarpaulins or parachutes and transforms them into new works of art.

More information:

Laura Sachs & Udo Nöger: Stille Schichten in unserem Inneren / Layered Notions
Berlin, ARTCO Galerie

The exhibition “Stille Schichten in unserem Inneren / Layered Notions” at the ARTCO Gallery Berlin presents the works of Laura Sachs and Udo Nöger. Both artists engage with themes of surface, silence, complexity, simplicity, and meaning in different ways, inviting visitors to discover the deeper layers of their art. The works are staged skillfully in the gallery and impressively demonstrate how contemplative and powerful minimalist art can be. The exhibition offers a poetic exploration of the silent layers that touch our inner and outer perception.

More Information:

Carsten Beck: Lines Interaction
Barcelona, Victor Lope Arte Contemporáneo

The exhibition “Lines Interaction” by Danish artist Carsten Beck at the Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo gallery in Barcelona presents a continuation of Beck’s minimalist exploration of geometric forms. This exhibition is the second solo show of the artist with the gallery, where he shows a curated selection of works made in 2023 and 2024.

More Information:

Exhibition View of Carsten Beck: “Lines Interaction” at Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo © The Artist, Photography by Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo
Exhibition View of Carsten Beck: “Lines Interaction” at Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo © The Artist, Photography by Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo
Exhibition View of Carsten Beck: “Lines Interaction” at Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo © The Artist, Photography by Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo
Exhibition View of Carsten Beck: “Lines Interaction” at Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo © The Artist, Photography by Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo

Ellsworth Kelly: Shapes and Colors
Paris, Fondation Louis Vuitton

The exhibition “Ellsworth Kelly. Shapes and Colors, 1949-2015” offers a comprehensive overview of the work of the American artist Ellsworth Kelly (1923-2015). The exhibition comprises over 100 of his works, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs and collages. The retrospective was created in collaboration with the Glenstone Museum and the Ellsworth Kelly Studio and is presented as part of the traveling exhibition “Ellsworth Kelly at 100”. It offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore Kelly’s experimental approach and his ability to create powerful emotional effects through simple abstractions.

More Information:

Eleanor Bartlett
Salisbury, Vanner Gallery

Vanner Gallery presents a solo exhibition by British artist Eleanor Bartlett. Her monochrome works, mostly in black and white, are characterized by intense presence and power. Bartlett uses industrial materials such as tar, wax and metallic paint in her artworks, which combine brutal beauty with enigmatic honesty. These materials emphasize toil and perseverance and lend her works an incredible persuasiveness that requires no additional explanation.

More Information coming soon!

Fred Sandback
Madrid, Galería Cayón Madrid

Galería Cayón Madrid is hosting the third solo show of American sculptor Fred Sandback. The exhibition is spread over two rooms of the gallery and shows his minimalist sculptures made of acrylic yarn lines. Sandback uses architectural space and the play of light to influence the viewer’s perception and encourage them to explore and interact with the space. The exhibition, developed in collaboration with Sandback’s estate, showcases the extraordinary aesthetic of his artistic vision.

More Information:

Installation View of Fred Sandback at Galería Cayón Madrid © Image Coutesy the gallery
Installation View of Fred Sandback at Galería Cayón Madrid © Image Coutesy the gallery

See all exhibitions here

Aesence is an independent art and design publication dedicated to minimalist aesthetics. Founded out of a deep appreciation and fascination, Aesence aims to promote awareness and appreciation of minimalism in art and design.