Robert Schad: MOUVEMENTS

Galerie Friese in Berlin is presenting the work of the important German sculptor Robert Schad for the first time, after many years of collaboration in Stuttgart. Schad (b. 1953) is known for his large-scale, abstract steel sculptures, which are often reminiscent of organic forms. He uses solid square steel bars in his works, which he welds together to create dynamic and often seemingly weightless sculptures.

Schad combines the media of drawing and sculpture. The line, as a fundamental form of expression, is at the center of his works: it abstracts nature and connects human existence. His sculptures translate the movements of the drawings into three-dimensional forms and create a tangible dynamic in space.

Schad’s works invite us to explore different perspectives and perceptions of space. By transforming the steel, he gives the material a new identity and acts as an ode to nature. The exhibition shows the interplay of inertia and dynamics, which allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the emotional worlds of heaviness and lightness.

I visited the exhibition in Berlin. Read my review here:

Robert Schad, DWYN, 2024, Square Steel, 67 x 48 x 37 cm on view at Galerie Friese Berlin, 07.24 - 08.24 © Photography by Sarah Dorweiler / Aesence
Robert Schad, DWYN, 2024, Square Steel, 67 x 48 x 37 cm on view at Galerie Friese Berlin, 07.24 – 08.24 © Photography by Sarah Dorweiler / Aesence
Robert Schad, ZEICHNUNG, Lacquer on sheet metal, 170 x 115 cm on view at Galerie Friese Berlin, 07.24 - 08.24 © Photography by Sarah Dorweiler / Aesence
Robert Schad, ZEICHNUNG, Lacquer on sheet metal, 170 x 115 cm on view at Galerie Friese Berlin, 07.24 – 08.24 © Photography by Sarah Dorweiler / Aesence
Robert Schad: MOUVEMENTS
29 June → 31 August 2024

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Aesence is an independent art and design publication dedicated to minimalist aesthetics. Founded out of a deep appreciation and fascination, Aesence strives to be an inspiring, informative and truly useful resource for its readers.